How can an RfC be deleted from the database?

How easy it is to delete an RfC depends on the status of the RfC. As long as it has the status Draft, the RfC can be deleted by the initiator via the web interface:

After that, deletion is no longer possible. If you still need to delete an RfC, you must do this directly in the database.
Depending on how far the RfC has progressed, you may first have to delete the referenced table entries. To illustrate this, you can see the database schema here:

Assuming the RfC you want to delete has the id 42, you must delete the referenced entries one after the other:

delete from rfc_notices where rfc_id=42;

delete from rfc_authorizations where classification_id=(select id from rfc_classifications where rfc_id=42);

delete from rfc_classifications where rfc_id=42;

delete from rfc_workflows where rfc_id=42;

delete from rfc where id=42;