First Steps

Installation via the i-doit admincenter
The RfC Manager is both a stand-alone application and an i-doit add-on. You can install the RfC Manager as usual via the i-doit admincenter. Before you install the add-on, make sure that the web server in the installation directory has the appropriate write permissions. You can use the script with the set option to ensure this and reset the rights again after installation with unset.

First Login

After installation, you will find a new menu entry in the i-doit Extras menu:

This link leads you to the login of the RfC Manager where you can log in with the user name admin and the password changeme.

Basic configuration
After successfully logging in, you should first change the default password for the adminUser. You can access the RfC Manager menu via the drop-down button labeled with first and last name and the user name in brackets. You can change the default password for the logged-in user via the profile or via the user administration.

In the user administration, you can edit the existing user accounts by clicking on the corresponding line and create new accounts using the New button. If the users are to authenticate themselves to i-doit or the ActiveDirectory later, you can leave the field for the password and the password confirmation empty. In this case, the users created in this way will only be able to log in once the next step “Set up connection with i-doit” has been completed.

For a user to be able to submit change requests, the role login is sufficient. In order for the change requests to be processed, at least one account needs the changemanager role assignment. If a change may only be approved by members of the Change Advisory Board, at least one account must be assigned the cabmember role.

Set up connection to i-doit
The connection to the i-doit API must be set up so that users can now authenticate themselves to i-doit and i-doit objects can be linked to the change requests and workflows. The prerequisite is that the API add-on has been installed beforehand.

In the RfC Manager, you can access the configuration for the connection to i-doit via the CMDB menu item. In the i-doit URL field, the URL including protocol and, if applicable, port must be entered via which the RfC Manager reaches i-doit. The path to the API does

not need to be specified here.

 You can find the API key in the i-doit menu Administration > Interface / external data > General settings. If you have selected the option Force authentication by user name and password in the i-doit API settings, you must enter a user and their password in the RfC Manager who has the authorization to read i-doit objects.

The language selection determines the language in which the i-doit object types are displayed, for example.

Once this configuration has been completed, the RfC Manager can already be used.

Continue to Synchronization of users with an LDAP server and i-doit.